Digital Broadband Beamforming

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accurate and clear data


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Broadband beamforming

broadband ultrasound

Broadband beamforming uses the full range of ultrasound frequencies to capture the entire tissue signature information, preserving the quantity and quality of data through capture and preservation of the entire bandwidth of ultrasound signals.

Advanced broadband digital beamforming has the ability to correctly steer and focus ultrasound signals containing very broad frequency bandwidths, totally controlling the duration and frequency of each individual pulse. Broadband beamforming improves contrast resolution by acquiring maximum tissue information, and has the ability to differentiate or resolve structures in the depth domain.

Digital broadband beamforming produces the broadest possible bandwidth by applying short pulses for absolute maximum axial resolution. Additionally, digital broadband beamforming allows the application of advanced digital signal processing techniques that further refine and process the bandwidth to adapt to a variety of patient types and resolution requirements. With the platform’s supercomputing power, billions of operations are performed each second, and all of the pure, digital broadband information is processed instantly and displayed in real time.

The result is images with improved axial, spatial, and contrast resolution; highly detailed, ultrafine portrayal of tissue textures; tissue uniformity throughout the entire depth of field; and clearly defined tissue interfaces and structural detail.

Broadband beamforming transmits a broad signal range and has the ability to capture and process the entire broad band of returning signals.

broadband ultrasound

Digital broadband beamforming produces the broadest possible bandwidth by applying short pulses for absolute maximum axial resolution. Additionally, digital broadband beamforming allows the application of advanced digital signal processing techniques that further refine and process the bandwidth to adapt to a variety of patient types and resolution requirements. With the platform’s supercomputing power, billions of operations are performed each second, and all of the pure, digital broadband information is processed instantly and displayed in real time.

The result is images with improved axial, spatial, and contrast resolution; highly detailed, ultrafine portrayal of tissue textures; tissue uniformity throughout the entire depth of field; and clearly defined tissue interfaces and structural detail.

Broadband beamforming transmits a broad signal range and has the ability to capture and process the entire broad band of returning signals.

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