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Welcome to your Customer Services Portal

Are you a biomed, IT manager, technologist or healthcare professional looking to drive better performance of your Philips (and multi-vendor) fleet across modalities anytime, anywhere?


Stay on top of your service performance, uptime and utilization by managing your fleet and service, system and case status with the Customer Services Portal. Use it to:

Self-manage and track your service KPIs

Keep your system requirements up to date and under control

Manage your system uptime anytime, anywhere

Elevating your customer service experience


Our helpful service management platform makes it easy for you to identify systems requiring attention, schedule maintenance, find contracts, search and upload documentation and work reports and request service or support. Intuitive to use and optimized and updated regularly, use the portal to:

  • Manage your entire fleet and system needs 24/7 in one place.
  • Register digital cases quickly and easily and find case reports, manuals, contracts, warranties across all modalities.
  • Plan and manage maintenance, schedule visits and analyze, track and manage service performance and your system’s health.
  • Add or remove products from your fleet overview, easy set, track and favorite installed products as well as view the end-of-life status of your products.

Join our Philips community on the Customer Services Portal 


of users agree Customer Services Portal makes it easier to work with Philips1


Customer Services Portal users2


new users join Customer Services Portal monthly2



1 NPS Survey 2023

2 Source: Customer Services Portal dashboard

Customer Services Portal for mobile

 Icon qr

Did you know that you can also access your Customer Services Portal via your smartphone? It’s a handy option for key services like creating a case, some functionalities are not available yet. Scan the QR code to get started.

Portal questions answered

How many people in my organization can have access?

Great news! There’s no limit on the number of users that your organization can have configured to use the customer services portal. To add more users, do one of the following - 

1. Direct them to signup via the online form.

2. If you already have access to the portal and have the permission to manage
users, you may simply click “Create user” under the manage contacts page.

Can I get trained on how to better navigate and use the Customer Services Portal?

Yes! You’ll find a pre-recorded training session available here. We will also invite all users monthly to attend a demo session where we'll walk you through all portal features and conduct a live Q&A session. Look out for your invite via email after gaining portal access.

I am looking for software updates for cardiology products and patient monitoring products or technical manuals and product lifecycle updates. Can I find these in the Customer Services Portal?

No, you’ll find these in InCenter. You can access that here. InCenter provides an enhanced document distribution platform including a majority of the service information you will need to support your Philips medical systems and devices. 

Solicitați acces la portalul Philips de Servicii cu Clienții.

Vă rugăm să completați cererea de mai jos, iar echipa noastră de asistență vă va crea contul.

* Câmp obligatoriu

The portal is not available in countries without a direct presence from Philips Healthcare.
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[1] Aceste informații sunt necesare pentru a identifica entitatea dvs. în sistemele noastre și pentru a vă oferi acces la echipamentele Philips corespunzătoare din portal. Codul produsului Philips instalat (PN), ID-ul  locației sau ID-ul tehnic sunt datele de referință de pe aparat. Aceste coduri de referință pot apărea în rapoartele de service pentru clienți primite anterior sau pot fi incluse în documentația echipamentului. Cel puțin un cod/ID trebuie furnizat pentru fiecare instalație. De asemenea, puteți utiliza câmpul "Additional remarks" (Observații suplimentare) pentru a solicita acces la mai multe centre, categorii de echipamente specifice etc.

Philips vă respectă confidențialitatea și va prelucra datele dumneavoastră personale în conformitate cu Notificarea privind Confidențialitatea Portalului. Vă rugăm să citiți Notificarea privind Confidențialitatea Portalului pentru mai multe informații.

Odată ce ați trimis cererea, veți primi un mesaj de confirmare.

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Let us know how we can help.

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Conținutul paginii următoare conține informații destinate exclusiv profesioniștilor din domeniul sănătății, întrucât se referă la produse care se încadrează în categoria dispozitivelor medicale care necesită utilizarea sau intervenția profesioniștilor din sectorul medical.

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