Can clinicians identify potential deterioration in general ward patients before a serious adverse event occurs? Early Warning Scoring (EWS) aggregates patients’ vital signs to flag patients at risk of potential deterioration or ICU admission Raising awareness of the importance of respiratory monitoring in non-critical care units and making it part of your standard of care can help end preventable deaths. Listen to our recent Early Warning Scoring (EWS) webinars from the industry experts and learn how EWS can help clinicians improve patient care.
Speaker: Michael Miletin, MD, FRCPC Critical Care Lead Central West Local Health Integration Network Ontario, Canada Dr. Miletin discusses the importance of Early Warning Scoring systems and Rapid Response teams Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this activity, the listener will be able to:
Speaker: Christian Subbe, MD Senior Clinical Lecture Bangor University - Wales Dr. Subbe discusses identifying potential signs of early deterioration on the floor, the history of EWS, and the results of the VITAL II study.* Learning Objectives: At the completion of this activity, the listener will understand: * Subbe, CPS and B. Duller. VITAL II: Effect of monitoring on ICU admissions & ICU mortality. Poster presented at iSRRS Conference. Melbourne, AUS. 2-3 May 2016.
Speaker: Ronald Kaleya, MD Chief, Gastrointestinal Oncology Maimonides Medical Center Brooklyn, NY Dr. Kaleya demonstrates how the Maimonides Medical Center has converted a reactive early warning score into a pro-active and anticipatory early warning system. Learning Objectives: At the completion of this activity, the listener will be able to:
Speaker: Arthur Bairagee, RN, MSN Chief Nursing Informatics Officer (CNIO) Lakeland Health St. Joseph, MI Arthur Bairagee focuses on the use of electronic collection and documentation of vital signs, and the use of algorithms to identify patients at risk for clinical deterioration. He also discusses the importance of critical thinking and the electronic validation of the healthcare professional's intuition to fully utilize our available resources to provide the best possible outcomes for our patients. Learning Objectives: At the completion of this activity, the listener will be able to:
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