Diamond Select
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Set yourself apart   at a price you can afford

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Find out how the Diamond Select process transforms a used machine into one that looks and operates like new.

Due to the financial effects of healthcare reform, maintaining profitability is a top concern. One solution is to differentiate yourself from your competitors with advanced systems and increase your market share.

You can offer new services to your community, enhance your reputation, and keep patients close to home. But this comes with a price. And today’s mandates to manage healthcare costs make total cost of ownership and ROI top concerns.


Philips’ Diamond Select program meets these requirements, giving you advanced refurbished medical systems at an affordable price.



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Differentiate your services with refurbished systems

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Conținutul paginii următoare conține informații destinate exclusiv profesioniștilor din domeniul sănătății, întrucât se referă la produse care se încadrează în categoria dispozitivelor medicale care necesită utilizarea sau intervenția profesioniștilor din sectorul medical.

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