IntelliVue MP40/MP50 GCX Camlock Rail Mount

Mounting solution

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Learn more about the options available to mount the IntelliVue MP50 patient monitoring system on a surface with Camlock rails.

IntelliVue MP50: Camlock Mount

IntelliVue MP50: Camlock Mount

GCX P/N: AG-0018-83 Kit Includes: Camlock plate/post to hold the MP50; all GCX mounting solutions for IntelliVue are compatible with the quick release Table Top mounting hardware included with IntelliVue.

IntelliVue MP50: Camlock Mount

GCX P/N: AG-0018-83 Kit Includes: Camlock plate/post to hold the MP50; all GCX mounting solutions for IntelliVue are compatible with the quick release Table Top mounting hardware included with IntelliVue.

IntelliVue MP50: Camlock Mount

GCX P/N: AG-0018-83 Kit Includes: Camlock plate/post to hold the MP50; all GCX mounting solutions for IntelliVue are compatible with the quick release Table Top mounting hardware included with IntelliVue.
  • IntelliVue MP50: Camlock Mount
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IntelliVue MP50: Camlock Mount

IntelliVue MP50: Camlock Mount

GCX P/N: AG-0018-83 Kit Includes: Camlock plate/post to hold the MP50; all GCX mounting solutions for IntelliVue are compatible with the quick release Table Top mounting hardware included with IntelliVue.

IntelliVue MP50: Camlock Mount

GCX P/N: AG-0018-83 Kit Includes: Camlock plate/post to hold the MP50; all GCX mounting solutions for IntelliVue are compatible with the quick release Table Top mounting hardware included with IntelliVue.

IntelliVue MP50: Camlock Mount

GCX P/N: AG-0018-83 Kit Includes: Camlock plate/post to hold the MP50; all GCX mounting solutions for IntelliVue are compatible with the quick release Table Top mounting hardware included with IntelliVue.

Contact information:

GCX Corporation
3875 Cypress Drive
Petaluma, CA 94954
Ph: 707.773.1100, 800.228.2555
Fax 707.773.1180

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