Envisioning the future of maintenance

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Leading the transformation from reactive to proactive and predictive maintenance, flexible service agreements and beyond.


The new dawn of maintenance services is already here. The servicing of the future isn’t about reducing downtime, it’s about enabling healthcare systems to make full – and evolving - use oftheir sophisticated equipment and technology investments, when they want and how they want.


In this future forecasting article, we explore how medical equipment is a sophisticated and vital asset that needs to be fully utilized and maintained. And yet with less time to calibrate and fix important equipment, diagnosis of equipment failure needs to be proactive and predictive; no longer reactive. The article explores why maintenance is now of increasing strategic importance and how it is rapidly transforming beyond break fix to encompass proactive and predictive maintenance, flexible service agreements and beyond.



Key insights include:


  • The shift to reactive and proactive maintenance.
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic boosted remote monitoring.
  • Why predictive, proactive maintenance is already a game-changer.
  • From “spare part”, to invisible fix. How service parts are undergoing a significant period of innovation.
  • Looking into the future. What will AI-enabled maintenance look like?

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